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This page is specifically for family and friends who are interested in me and my new live in the USA. See also the page with maps.

October 26th, 2003, I moved to the US. Below you will find a list of things I did, encounters I had, pictures, people, etc.

It will not be super detailed, but it will give you an idea ...
By the way: More pictures I made can be found at DevianArt.

Over Weethet en de auteur ...

Summer is long and warm - I love it!

The summer here is a lot wormenr and lasts a lot longer than what I'm used to in Holland ...
I finally picked up my drivers license (took me about an hour).

Drivers license - you need a new one each time you move to a different state - weird.
Drivers license - you need a new one each time you move to a different state - weird.
Oh, and I did not come here for my "Parole"!

More and more deer appear in my front yard ... even bambi!
More and more deer appear in my front yard ... even bambi!

and those ladies are BIG ...
and those ladies are BIG ...

The first visitor from Holland: Esther! Who's next?
The first visitor from Holland: Esther! Who's next?

For the occasion I bought a new bed for the guestroom ...
For the occasion I bought a new bed for the guestroom ...

Making a trip with my aunt's Audi TT :-)
Making a trip with my aunt's Audi TT :-) - I was not allowed to drive :(

My aunt and uncle have this nice villa in Phoenix (Arizona) - very nice ...!
My aunt and uncle have this nice villa in Phoenix (Arizona) - very nice ...!

Barbeque at Sara's place - much fun guaranteed! :-)
Barbeque at Sara's place - much fun guaranteed! :-)

Chit-chat after the BBQ ... and some beers ...
Chit-chat after the BBQ ... and some beers ...

In the area of Duluth: climbing is fun ...
In the area of Duluth: climbing is fun ...

Naturally Puck came along (and Esther, Dan and Heidi) ...
Naturally Puck came along (and Esther, Dan and Heidi) ...

Puck is doing so much better - much thanks to Dr. Sandra Diaz at the U of Minnesota!
Puck is doing so much better - much thanks to Dr. Sandra Diaz at the U of Minnesota!

if you have a pool table, people come by and play. Notice the sigar !
if you have a pool table, people come by and play. Notice the sigar !

There are a lot of squirels in my yard ...
There are a lot of squirels in my yard ...

Again in the Duluth area; they
Again in the Duluth area; they "recommend" to not swim in this water ... why?

It took me quite a while to get it right: the moon ... looks like the one in Holland ;-)
It took me quite a while to get it right: the moon ... looks like the one in Holland ;-)

Incoming ...
Incoming ...

... storm ...
... storm ...

... and this is what you see after the storm ... so cool!
... and this is what you see after the storm ... so cool!

zoals ik al zei; veel beesten in de tuin - zo ook grote schildpadden!
Like a said: a lot of animals in the yard - like this big turtle!

and this huge toad ...
and this huge toad ...

Go to Top of this page or go back to the beginning: "First Family visit"



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