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This page is specifically for family and friends who are interested in me and my new live in the USA. See also the page with maps.

October 26th, 2003, I moved to the US. Below you will find a list of things I did, encounters I had, pictures, people, etc.

It will not be super detailed, but it will give you an idea ...
By the way: More pictures I made can be found at DevianArt.

Over Weethet en de auteur ...

Snapshots of Puck

After picking up Puck from the Netherlands, I finally had the chance to make pictures of her. I'm really glad she's here - adds some more live to the house.

In the meanwhile Puck demonstrated to be able to catch little rodents (mice, etc).
Her current score (January 2004) is: 3 mice.
Should I tatoe 3 mice icons on her ass - to keep score ...? :-)

In the beginning, Puck had some trouble adjusting to the cold. In the sense that after being outside for maybe 4 minutes (at -35 graden Celcius), her paws would not appreciate the cold snow anymore. So she would be standing on 2 paws first, then switch to the other 2, and back again,... looks rather funny when you see her walk.

In the meanwhile, it's not that cold any more (-20 Celcius) and Puck seems to enjoy being outside a bit more.
Trying to be a bit more America (it's a matter of adjusting) I bought her a sweater, coat and some boots - just for the fun of it ...

Puck found something ...

The snow isn't that bad anymore ...

So what did Puck see here ...?

Her favorite toy is still a tennis-ball ...

Besides the tag she got from Esther, I orderder an additional one ...

The old pillow is being used in the car, so I had to get a new one ...

Puck's main hobby: sleep on MY bed ...

Puck hunting mice ... (he actually caught that one!)

Me and Puck ...

Puck: hunting at night ...

Every now and then you have to dig a way to the frontdoor ...

Puck with his new coat ...

Sleeping,... yep, that's what she loves ... (hibernating?) ...

Go to the Top of this page or go to "Random SnapShots"



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