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Words in our glossary starting with "X" ...

Glossary ...

An older technique for data-networking. X.25 is relatively slow. The Dutch Datanet1 for example uses X.25 as do many Internet servers.

This is one of the two competing 56 Kbps modem standards. It was developed by US-Robotics and has smaller market share than Rockwell's 56Kflex technology.

Refers to the 64 bit generation op CPUs (in contrast to 32 bit). Since Windows XP a special 64 bit version exists. Linux and Mac OS X are available in 64 bit as well. See also IA-64.

Refers to the CPUs derived from the Intel 8086 CPU. Like 80386, 80486, Pentium, certain AMD and VIA chips, etc.

XBMC - Xbox Media Center - is software installed on the (original) XBox, intended for playback of audio and video files. Quite a few formats are supported, but the original XBox hardware is not really that suitable for HD formatted videos (high bitrates).

This term describes a display with 1024x768 pixel resolution.

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
XML is a standard created by the W3C. It is a language with many simularities to HTML. What XML adds is the ability to define custom tags, such as , and define the meaning of those tags within the XML document itself. Thus the term "extensible." You can extend the XML language easily. XML will become more and more common as more browsers and Web servers support the XML standard.

Short for Extensible Style Language, a specification for separating style from content when creating HTML or XML pages. The specifications work much like templates, allowing designers to apply single style documents to multiple pages. XSL is the second style specification to be offered by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C )(www.w3c.org). The first, called Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), is similar to XSL but does not include two major XSL's innovations -- allowing developers to dictate the way Web pages are printed, and specifications allowing one to transfer XML documents across different applications. W3C released the first draft of XSL in August 1998, and promotes the specifications as helpful to the Web's speed, accessibility, and maintenance. See also CSS.

XviD is an ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec - very similar to DivX. It's not a commercial product, it's an open source project which is developed and maintained by lots of people from all over the world. More details can be found at the XviD website (http://www.xvid.org).

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