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The TiVo hack continued .... Removing the TiVo harddisk and installing it in your PC
This is the second page of the OS 6.2 hack for DirecTV TiVo's.

Don't forget to read the Disclaimer!

Read these Credits!!!!
many thanks to PTVUpgrade and the folks at DealDatabase.
Without their information, patches, hacks, tricks, and services this hack would NOT have been possible!

Note: if you prefer to use the "6.2 Slice Upgrade method" then please visit David Dellanave's page for more details.

Additional sources:
- PTVupgrade for the best upgrade kits, and their Forum
- TyTools homepage and the WeetHet - TiVo Extraction with TyTool article
- The forum at DealDatabase
- TivoCommunity

TiVo - The DirecTV Series 2 PVRs

What Else do we need?

  1. Screwdrivers
    Basically we need a Torx T10 and a Torx T11 screwdriver.
    Some models might just need a Philips screwdriver.

  2. An open PC
    We need a PC, any PC, with at least one CD Rom player installed in it, and being able to boot from CD Rom
    There are no speed limitations etc on the type of PC, as long as it can do this:

    The CD Rom player must be installed as the SLAVE on the PRIMARY IDE (IDE-0).
    We need this so we can boot the system from the CD Rom.
    Make sure the jumper on the CDRom player is set to SLAVE (or SL).

    Remove ALL harddisks from your PC (just disconnecting the IDE or SATA cable, and the power connectors, should be sufficient).
    This way we do not accidentally damage the disks your good PC. Plugging them back in once everything is done will bring the PC back to it's original setup.

    The PC must be able and set to boot from CD Rom (in the PC BIOS, set FIRST BOOT DEVICE to CDROM).
    Note that in rare cases your PC (specially the older ones) cannot boot from CD.
    The only resolutions to that issue are either updating the BIOS (see manufacturer website) or use a different PC.

    The TiVo harddisk(s) are to be connected to the SECONDARY IDE (IDE-1) with their jumpers set appropriately.
    So in a 1 disk configuration: set the disk jumpers to MASTER.
    In a 2 disk configuration, set one to MASTER and the other to SLAVE.

  3. IDE Flat cable(s)
    So we can connect our new TiVo harddisk(s) to the PC. Some PC's have this second IDE cable already installed - so check first!
    Also note that you can connect 2 drives if you want to equip your TiVo with 2 harddisks.
    Since prices are so low, I would recommend getting a 120Gb disk or bigger.
    5400 RPM (if you can get one) will work just fine (low noise level and less heat).
    A 7200 RPM or even 10000 RPM drive will give you a better performance but they also produce a bit more noise and heat.
    Cheap drives can be found at outfits like ZipZoomFly.com (love the FREE shipping) and TigerDirect.com.

Removing the harddisk from your TiVo

OK, so we're ready to open the TiVo and removing the harddisk.

Tip: this is a good moment to remove some dust bunnies from your TiVo and the fan inside the TiVo!


1. although the power cord might be disconnected,
hold quite a nice voltage to zap you!

2. Either use an anti static (ESD) wrist thingy
or grab something that is grounded,
to discharge static electricity your body might CARY.
Static electricity might damage the sensitive parts OF the TiVo!


Remove ALL the cables from your TiVo (dish, video, audio, power, etc)!

Now put the TiVo on a table so you can easily access all connectors, screws etc.
Get the Torx T10 and remove the 4 screws on the back, indicated by the red arrows below:

Hughes DirecTV TiVo - Remove the 4 screws on the back
Hughes DirecTV TiVo - Remove the 4 screws on the back

Once you removed the 4 screws, slide the hood of the TiVo to the backside of the TiVo. It might require some force to get it going.

Hughes DirecTV TiVo - Remove the hood by sliding it to the back
Hughes DirecTV TiVo - Remove the hood by sliding it to the back

Once you opened, you will see the main components of your TiVo:

Hughes DirecTV TiVo - A: Harddrice, B: Powersupply
Hughes DirecTV TiVo - A: Harddrive, B: Power supply

Be very careful, avoid touching the power supply (B: the brown colored PCB).

Now we have access to the harddrive (A). You will see that an IDE flat cable and a power cable (familiar to those who have opened a computer before) that connect the harddrive to the TiVo mainboard (the green PCB).

Hughes DirecTV TiVo - Harddisk located
Hughes DirecTV TiVo - Harddisk located

In the image above you see the harddrive. Notice the arrows:

A Screw 1 of the harddrive bracket
B Screw 2 of the harddrive bracket
C Harddrive power connector
D Harddrive IDE cable
E After removing A, B, C, and D, slide the bracket in this direction

I think the table above explains most of it;

Remove the screws (A and B), the power cable (C) (watch out for the white flat cable!) and the IDE cable (D).

Now move the harddisk in the direction as indicated by the arrow (E) until you can lift it and take it out.

The 4 screws of the harddrive can be removed with a Torx T11 (optional).

Once removed, we can continue with the next steps,...

Installing the TiVo harddrive in your PC

Note: Unlike the previous hacks, we do not need any other harddisks except the one(s) we're going to be using in the TiVo!

This PC should have a CD Rom player. Make sure the following requirements are met:

  • The computer should be able to BOOT from CDROM.
  • The CDROM player should be connected as SLAVE on the PRIMARY (IDE-0) IDE.
  • The new harddrive should be connected as MASTER on the SECONDARY (IDE-1) IDE.
    (a second harddisk for your TiVo should also be on the Secondary IDE, configured as SLAVE)

Tip: Verify in the BIOS of your PC that the first boot device is set to CDROM.

Usually you can get into the PC's BIOS by pressing the "Del", "Ins", "F1" or "F10" button (at boot time it will usually show a brief message indicating which key to use). Commonly in the "Advanced settings" section of the BIOS you can change the boot device to "CDROM" or "IDE CDROM".

If your computer meets these requirements, then it's time to continue to the next step:

Connect (if not already there) the first FLAT CABLE to the SECONDARY IDE (IDE-1).
Connect the other end of the flat cable to the new TiVo harddrive.

Connect the second FLAT-CABLE to the PRIMARY IDE (IDE-0), and the other end of that cable to your CDRom drive.

Connect a power connector to the TiVo harddrive, and don't forget the power for the CDRom-drive.

Verify that the jumpers of the TiVo harddrive are set to MASTER (if using only one drive), and the jumper on the CDRom drive to SLAVE.

Please write down first how the jumper where set, so you can set them back later - if needed.

Tip: if you do not have documentation on the jumpers (either a manual or printed on the harddrive itself) then lookup the drive on the Internet on the manufacturers homepage. They usually have an online manual for the drive showing the jumper settings.

So basically you have this setup now:

DirecTiVo to OS 6.2 - Hooking up your harddisk to apply the hack in your PC
DirecTiVo - Basic Backup setup

Note: this is just a sketch on how the connections should run - the position of IDE-0 and IDE-1 connectors may differ, depending on the type/brand of mainboard your PC has. Please consult the manual of the mainboard to identify the right connectors, or incase you don't have a manual, look closely on the mainboard. Some mainboard's have text printed next to the connectors.

Article Navigation
Page 2
Remove TiVo disk &
install it in your PC




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