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Read this carefully ... !!

It's sad that I really have to put this text up here, but here it is.

The short version:
"Use of information from this site is on your responsibility, and
I cannot be held responsible for any illegal activities on websites
from which you find the link(s) here.".

Read this carefully ... !!

Read this!

  1. I cannot be held responsible for illegal software/information to be found on webpages of which the links can be found on this website.

  2. Explanations, information etc. on this website is for personal use and educational purposes only. Any illegal activities or abuse of this information is your own responsibility.

  3. Copying software, music and/or movies is illegal. I'm not 100% sure but I think the only exception is when you make a backup for personal uses only.*

  4. Several hardware projects can damage your equipment. I cannot be held responsible for ANY damages caused by this. All actions are at your OWN RISK!

  5. Software made available on this website is to be used at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by using this software. Naturally I will do my best effort to keep the software virus-free.

  6. There are no rights you can gain from ANY information mentioned on this website. Keep in mind that I create this site for fun only, and not to be the world's helpdesk.

  7. All information on this website is not related to my current employer in any way. The information is this site reflects only my opinion.

  8. Content of this website is copyrighted by me.

  9. I cannot be held responsible for the information provided on these pages and/or pages where some of my pages link to, concerning correctness, completeness, quality, legality, etc.

  10. If by chance I forgot to cover some responsibilities, keep in mind: Think for yourself and keep in mind that everything you do, based on the information on this website, is for your own responsibility!

* Dutch law on copying for private use

According to the Dutch law (called "Auteursrecht"), one is allowed to copy copyrighted stuff for personal use.

This covers the practice of copying audio, video, software, etc. for personal use only. According to this particular law (dated 1912!), a person may make a copy, without permission of the copyright holder, for personal use or experimentation, of a music CD, video or Radio/TV program. He or she must make the copy by themselves. It is illegal to have someone else make this copy, offer the copy for sale or rent, without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Resellers of blank media (i.e. tapes, CD-recordables, CD-rewritables, etc.) pay a small fee for each media sold to cover this private copy.

For more details see the Stichting de ThuisKopie website (Dutch text).





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