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On this page, you will find the network settings of your PC for use with a router solution (either hardware or software solution). This information is published on a seperate page, as it's being used for several other pages as well. The settings work for TCP/IP networks, either UTP or BNC (coax) based, using a router. This router can be a separate device, a (A)DSL/Cable modem or a server with for example WinRoute, all of them with DHCP activated.

This page focusses on Windows 95, 98 and ME .

Related pages for different Operating Systems are: Windows 2000 and XP, Macintosh OS 7 of 8 and Macintosh OSX.

Network settings

WINDOWS 95, 98, ME

Configuring the PC's for use with TCP/IP is relative simple.

Start the PC (Win9x/ME) and click with the right mouse button "Network Neighborhood" and choose "Properties".

Win9x/ME: Network settings

No select the "TCP/IP" protocol that goes with the network-card connected to the router and click"Properties".

Win9x/ME: IP automatic obtained

Make sure "Obtain an IP address automatically" is checked. Click "OK" and click "OK" once more. The computer now would like to restart: do so. The configuration is done now.

TIP: Sometimes the connection appears to have a problem finding the router. In the previous window, click "Gateway" and add a DEFAULT GATEWAY. This should be the IP-address of your router!

You can verify (after the reboot) if the settings did OK, by starting the WINIPCFG application. This is done by clicking the Windows START menu. Then select the RUN option and type WINIPCFG and press enter or click 'OK'. The application now appears. Make sure you select the proper network adapter (so: NOT the PPP connection which is selected by default).



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