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This page is based on the Parallax (OEM) Basic Stamp II microcontroller.

We plan to control a Mitsubishi M50530 based LCD display's.

Tip: for Hitachi 44780 based LCD displays see the Optrex DMC2034 article.

I'll try to explain how to connect such an LCD display to the (OEM) Basic Stamp II,, based on a used LCD display from an Ericsson phone (here we use the Optrex DMC-50652N or the Seiko/IIS C456002A) basically any Mitsubishi 50530 based LCD should work.

Pictures of the LCD in action can be seen here.

The displys I used, are an OPTREX DMC50652N (= Seiko/IIS C456002A) which has 3 x 40 (3 lines, 40 characters) chars.

Note: I wouldn't have done this article without the help of Peter Pitzeier. He was the first one to get it running with a BasicStamp 1.

Do not forget to read the disclaimer!

Note: The example code can be downloaded HERE.

Parallax: Basic Stamp II


  1. How to connect the LCD display to my OEM Basic Stamp 2
  2. Powersupply adjustments
  3. Handy BasicStamp2 instructions; example 1, Text
  4. Handy BasicStamp2 instructions; example 2, Running bar
  5. Original BasicStamp1 code

How to connect the LCD to the Basic Stamp II

Here we show you how to make the proper connections.

Optrex DMC-50652N  backside view. Here you'll find the 12 connections

Make these connections:

LCD Display pin LCD Functionality OEM Basic Stamp 2 pin
DB7 (databit 7) P7
DB6 (databit 6) P6
DB5 (databit 5) P5
DB4 (databit 4) P4
EX (Execute) P3
R/W (Read/Write) P2
I/OC1 (IO Control 1) P1
I/OC2 (IO Control 2) P0
VLCD (LCD power) +3 ... +12V (see schematics)
VSS (GND) Vss (= Ground)
Vdd (logic power) Vdd (= +5V)
not used -

LCD Powersupply

For pin 9 of the LCD we will need to create a little powersupply adjustment.
On average (milega may vary) pin 9 needs approximately +11 Volt on pin 9 to seen anything.

Below you will find an easy to build schematic. This can also be used for powering your BasicStamp by connecting Vss (ground) and VDD (+5V) to the appropriate pins of the BasicStamp.

Required parts:

7805 voltage regulator
Variable resistor of app. 10 KOhm
Adjusted powersupply app. 8 to 15 Volts



Powersupply for the  Optrex 50652N LCD displays



Note: pin out is based on info I got from Peter Pitzeier - Many thanks Peter!

Sending Data 4 bit wise

OK, so now we hooked to LCD up to our Basic Stamp 2. How do we control a parallel controlled LCD panel by using only 6 wires?

The answer is actually pretty simple (thanks to Jon's work): the LCD panel can be controlled using 8-bits or 4-bits. 4-bit mode is working identical to 8-bit mode mode, however we transmit the upper 4 bits and the lower 4 bits in sequence instead of 8 bits parallel.

See the Optrex DMC2034 article for more details.

Handy instructions, Example 1

Sending instructions is basically the same as sending characters, we only need to use different values for the control pins (E, IOC1, IOC2). To save you a lot of work, I create som subroutines that do this job for you.

An overview of the GOSUB routines:

Routine Call Toepassing
LCD_Init GOSUB LCD_Init Initialize the display.

TheData = %xxxxxxxx
GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr

Write control instrcution. An instruction is 8 bit, binaire code.
Define TheData as VAR byte.
LCD_WriteChar TheChar = "A"
Send character to display.
DefineTheChar as VAR byte.
LCD_SetFunction GOSUB LCD_SetFunction Set communicaton and font settings.
LCD_ClearHome GOSUB LCD_ClearHome Clear display and set cursor in home position.
LCD_SetDisplay GOSUB LCD_SetDisplay Cursor mode (blink, underline, etc).
LCD_Entry GOSUB LCD_Entry Define cursor direction
LCD_CursorXY TheCursorX = X
TheCursorY = Y
Move cursor to line X (0, 1 or 2) and column Y (0 ... 39).
Define TheCursorX and TheCursorY as VAR byte.
LCD_CursorHome GOSUB LCD_CursorHome Like LCD_ClearHome, without clearing the screen.

Note: For some of these functions, you will need to pre-define variables (see table).

Some of these routines are used in this example (example 2 uses them all), which show static text;

'{$PBASIC 2.0}
' OPTREX DMC50625N LCD display controle routines
' (C) 2003 Hans Luyten
' Many thanks to Peter Pitzeier             
' Variables
TheData VAR byte	' Variable for LCD data/char
TheChar VAR byte	' Variable for sending characters to LCD
' Data
DATA "Welcome to Hansies OPTREX DMC50625N test"
DATA "The LCD is connected to a BasicStamp II!"
DATA "-= Enjoy the BS2 code for LCD control =-"
Main:	GOSUB LCD_Init
        FOR b2 = 0 TO 119
           READ b2, TheChar
           GOSUB LCD_WriteChar
LCD_Init:	    ' Initialize LCD display
                GOSUB LCD_SetFunction
                GOSUB LCD_ClearHome
                GOSUB LCD_SetDisplay
                GOSUB LCD_SetEntry
LCD_WriteInstr: ' Write LCD instruction (TheCode) and LCD Data (TheData)
                Dirs = %11111111
                OutB = TheData.HIGHNIB
                OutA = %0000
                pulsout 3, 1
                OutB = TheData.LOWNIB
                pulsout 3, 1
LCD_WriteChar:	' Write character to LCD display
                Dirs = %11111111
                OutB = TheChar.HIGHNIB
                OutA = %0001
                pulsout 3, 1
                OutB = TheChar.LOWNIB
                pulsout 3, 1
LCD_SetFunction:' SF: Nibble mode, 5x7 font, 4x40 chars
                TheData = %11011011
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_ClearHome:	' CH: Clear screen, cursor home
                TheData = %00000001
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_SetDisplay:	' SD: Display, Cursor, Underline, Blink: ON
                TheData = %00111111
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_SetEntry:	' SE: Cursor direction
                TheData = %01011000
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr

Handy instructions, Example 2

This example uses all the defined GOSUB routines. It shows text and a gauge bar that runs up and down;

'{$PBASIC 2.0}
' OPTREX DMC50625N LCD display controle routines
' (C) 2003 Hans Luyten
' Many thanks to Peter Pitzeier 
' Variables
TheData VAR byte	' Variable for LCD data/char
TheChar VAR byte	' Variable for sending characters to LCD
TheCursorX VAR byte	' Move cursor X (column) position
TheCursorY VAR byte	' Move cursor Y (line) position
' Data
DATA "Welcome to Hansies OPTREX DMC50625N test"
DATA "The LCD is connected to a BasicStamp II!"
DATA "BAR/GAUGE: ",$88,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97
DATA $97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$97,$89
Main:  GOSUB LCD_Init
       FOR b2 = 0 TO 119
         READ b2, TheChar
         GOSUB LCD_WriteChar
Gauge: FOR b2 = 11 to 39
         TheCursorX = b2
         TheCursorY = 2
         GOSUB LCD_CursorXY
         TheChar = $9B
         GOSUB LCD_WriteChar
       TheCursorX = 39
       TheCursorY = 2
       GOSUB LCD_CursorXY
       TheChar = $89
       GOSUB LCD_WriteChar
       FOR b2 = 38 to 12
         TheCursorX = b2
         TheCursorY = 2
         GOSUB LCD_CursorXY
         TheChar = $97
         GOSUB LCD_WriteChar
       TheCursorX = 11
       TheCursorY = 2
       GOSUB LCD_CursorXY
       TheChar = $88
       GOSUB LCD_WriteChar
       GOTO Gauge
LCD_Init:	   ' Initialize LCD display
                GOSUB LCD_SetFunction
                GOSUB LCD_ClearHome
                GOSUB LCD_SetDisplay
                GOSUB LCD_SetEntry
LCD_WriteInstr: ' Write LCD instruction (TheCode) and LCD Data (TheData)
                Dirs = %11111111
                OutB = TheData.HIGHNIB
                OutA = %0000
                pulsout 3, 1
                OutB = TheData.LOWNIB
                pulsout 3, 1
LCD_WriteChar:	' Write character to LCD display
                Dirs = %11111111
                OutB = TheChar.HIGHNIB
                OutA = %0001
                pulsout 3, 1
                OutB = TheChar.LOWNIB
                pulsout 3, 1
LCD_SetFunction:' SF: Nibble mode, 5x7 font, 4x40 chars
                TheData = %11011011
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_ClearHome:	' CH: Clear screen, cursor home
                TheData = %00000001
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_SetDisplay: ' SD: Display, Cursor, Underline, Blink: ON
                TheData = %00111111
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_SetEntry:   ' SE: Cursor direction
                TheData = %01011000
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_CursorHome: 'MH: Move cursor to home position
                TheData = %00000011
                GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr
LCD_CursorXY:   ' MA: Move cursor to X,Y 
                ' (Y=line: 0 to 1, X=Column: 0 to 39)
                GOSUB LCD_CursorHome
                FOR b1 = 1 TO (TheCursorY*40)+TheCursorX
                  TheData = %00011000
                  GOSUB LCD_WriteInstr

The original BasicStamp1 code

This page would not have been compleet without the original BasicStamp 1 code by Peter Pitzeier;

'Copyright Peter Pitzeier!

eeprom 00, ("           OPTREX DMC-50625N            ")
eeprom 40, (" MITSUBISHI M50530 DOT MATRIX LIQUID ")


' SF instruction (Set Function)
' I/O = 4 bit mode
' FONT = 8
' 4 line display DT0=0, DT1=1
' 4 line * 40 words RA0=1, RA1=1
dirs = %11111111
pins = %11010000
pulsout 3, 1
pins = %10110000
pulsout 3, 1

' CH instruction (Clear Home)
dirs = %11111111
pins = %00000000
pulsout 3, 1
pins = %00010000
pulsout 3, 1

pause 1

' SD instruction (Set Display)
' DSP on
' CSR on
' UND on
' CSR blink
' CHR blink
dirs = %11111111
pins = %00110000
pulsout 3, 1
pins = %11110000
pulsout 3, 1

' SE instruction (Set Entry)
' CSR D/I increment
dirs = %11111111
pins = %01010000
pulsout 3, 1
pins = %10000000
pulsout 3, 1

REM dirs=%00001111:low 0:low 1:high 2:pulsout 3,1:b2=pins:pulsout 3,1: b3=pins:low 2:debug %b2,%b3


' CH instruction (Clear Home)
dirs = %11111111
pins = %00000000
pulsout 3, 1
pins = %00010000
pulsout 3, 1

FOR b2 = 0 TO 119
READ b2, b4
b3=b4 & %11110000
b3=b3 | %00000001
dirs = %11111111
pins = b3
pulsout 3, 1

b3=b4 & %00001111
b3 = b3 + b3
b3 = b3 + b3
b3 = b3 + b3
b3 = b3 + b3

b3=b3 | 1
pins = b3
pulsout 3, 1



GOTO main





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