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You probably are familiar with this problem: You downloaded some MP3' and you want to create an album.
However, the volume of the individual MP3's is so different that it's a pain to listen to the album.
You do need to adjust the volume again and again for each song ....

Well, there is a solution to this problem: MP3 Gain.

MP3 Gain analyzes the individual MP3's and increases or decreases the playback volume of these files to match an average or a preferred setting.

On this page we explain how to use it - and believe me: it is really simple!

Note: Read the disclaimer!

MP3 Gain - Normalizing your MP3's

What does it do?

MP3 Gain analyzes the selected MP3's and determines the "volume" of each of the sound files.

Based on a preset volume level (default is 89,0 dB, but values like 90 dB work fine too) it shows you how much volume has to increase or decrease to get the same volume level.

After analyzing the files, MP3 can apply the required increase or decrease in volume of each individual file. Which results in a collection of music files with a similar volume level.

Step 1: Download and Install

You can download MP3 Gain from their website (MP3 Gain homepage) or from the WeetHet download page. I recommend going for the FULL install of the STABLE version. AT the time of this writing, the stable version is 1.0. If you know what you're doing, you can also select the NORMAL version without the Microsoft Visual Basic DLL's.

If you downloaded the file from WeetHet: first extract the file.

After extracting the file or after downloading the file from the MP3 Gain homepage, you can double click the EXE file. Follow the steps and you'll have MP3 Gain in no time.

Now start MP3 Gain from the Windows START menu.

Step 2: Selecting files

Basically we now see MP3 Gain with an empty list;

MP3Gain - Empty MP3 list
MP3Gain - Empty MP3 list

Click the "Add File(s)" button which will open a file dialog window.

Tip: MP3 Gain also supports drag-and-drop from the Windows Explorer!

MP3Gain - Adding MP3 files to the list
MP3Gain - Adding MP3 files to the list

The dialog allows you to select one or more files at a time. Selecting a range (holding the SHIFT key) or multiple items (holding the CTRL key) is just the same as you are used to with the Windows Explorer.

After completing your selecting, click "Open" and the selected files will be added to the list;

MP3Gain - Files added to the list
MP3Gain - Files added to the list

Step 3: Analyzing the files

You can repeat step 2 as often as you like. Once the list is complete, you can click the "Track Analysis" button.

Note: By default the "Target "Normal" Volume" is set to 89,0 dB ... if you want to, you can change this.

MP3 Gain will now open each file and take a look if the MP3 has clipping issue and what the current volume level is. It will also show the required increase (+ values) or decrease (- values) of the volume to match the target you set.

MP3Gain - Analyzing the files ...
MP3Gain - Analyzing the files ...

MP3 Gain is pretty quick in analyzing the files ...

Step 4: Adjust volume of the files

After analysis, MP3 Gain will show you the results;

MP3Gain - Results
MP3Gain - Results

Now you can adjust the MP3 files by simply clicking the "Album Gain" button. This process takes amazingly little time.

You'll notice, while in progress, that the "Cancel" button is enabled and that the two progress bars (file and total progress) are busy.

Once the "Exit" button is enabled again and the "Cancel" button is disabled, MP3 Gain is finished.

You can now either close the program (click "Exit") or choose "Clear All" and continue with the next album - and that's all folks!



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