The Mac Video converter is no more ... TechEpansion discontinues one of their greates products: VisualHub, for unknown reasons.
Unfortunately, older/current versions cannot be downloaded anymore (Google is your friend).
Registered users might want to read the backup instructions:
In order to get VisualHub working if you need to switch computers, you need to back up two things:
1: VisualHub itself
2: The conversion engine
To back up the conversion engine, Copy the folder at:
/Library/Application Support/Techspansion/
...for good measure, you can also back up your Preferences file, containing your registration info in case you lose the original purchase e-mail. It is at:
Do not forget to copy the VisualHub app from your Applications folder as well :)
As far as I can tell, VisualHub 1.34 will continue to work up to and through Snow Leopard. I obviously cannot predict the future and what Apple will do, though.
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