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Search the Internet ...

On this page you will have access to multiple search engines. You can search for KEYWORDS or IMAGES.

You can also use a CONVERTER.

Conveniantly you can enter the search string and select the search engine(s) you wish to use. After clicking the "Search" button, for each selected engine, an additional window will be opened.

Search the Internet

Searching Keywords

Search these keywords:
  Using these searchengine(s):
  Google AltaVista AstaLaVista
Quick Selection:
  Yahoo! Lycos   (Serials, cracks)
Click here to start the search assignment


Searching Picture, Photo's and Clipart

Search these keywords:
Using these searchengine(s):   Alternatives:
  Google GoGraph   Alternatieve bronnen voor afbeeldingen en plaatjes Microsoft Clipart voor Office producten MediScan - Medical pictures FreeFoto.com - Mostly photographs WebSHot - Most of these are Photo's EyeWire - Clipart, Pictures and business like clipart

  Photos.Com Clipart.Com  
Click here to execute the search
  Ditto - see the web      


Converting Distance/Weight

Note: for decimals use a POINT (.) - do not use a comma (,)!

Convert: Distance
(100 cm = 1 meter)
Inch to Cm Inch Click here to convert the value = Cm
Cm to Inch Cm Click here to convert the value = Inch
Foot to Cm Foot Click here to convert the value = Cm
Cm to Foot Cm Click here to convert the value = Foot
(Lbs = Pounds)
Lbs to Kg Lbs Click here to convert the value = Kg
Kg to Lbs Kg Click here to convert the value = Lbs






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