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Checklist for Internet via Satellite with Europe Online.

This checklist is of use when youare using EON as an Internet by Satellite provider.

Many thanks for this list done by the EON support team.

Note: If you have another network card installed disable it for the troubleshooting as it might interfere.

Internet by Satellite


Generic transponder settings can be found here.

  • Card Settings

ü  Frequency and polarization according to the transponder used.

ü   Symbol rate: always 22.000 KHz.

ü   Filters (dependent on the card - check on Internet).

ü   Check with ipconfig/winipcfg if card appears there and if MAC address in card configuration is same as here.  (If no card found, driver or hardware problem).

  • Customer Registration

ü   Check if customer is properly registered (username). Use www.europeonline.net to login.

  • Fazzt Download Client

ü  Protocol

ü  IP address

ü  Port 9000

ü  Interface IP = IP address of DVB card.

ü  Registry key / Download Key

ü  Proxy settings according to transponder used

ü  Proxy activated in modem and LAN connection

ü  Ping proxy

  • Security settings

ü  Enable pct 1.0 / SSL 2.0 & 3.0 / TLS 1.0

ü  Enable cookies

  • Other settings

ü  Clear Cookies and Temporary Internet Files

ü  DNS settings: automatic IP address, untick DNS

ü  For Cyberstream cards: SNMP installed

ü  Try another transponder.




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