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This serie of pages on this website will help you on your way with the Parallax (OEM) Basic Stamp II microcontroller.

You will find some pictures taken that go with the LCD display controlled by a Basic-Stamp project.

The display I used was a OPTREX DMC2034 and a DMC50400 both having 4 x 20 (4 lines, 20 characters).
The article can be downloaded as a MS Word document right here.

Before I started experimenting, I created a so called BOE (Board of Education), which can be seen in these pictures too.

Parallax: Basic Stamp II


Mini BOE: connectors
The connectors of my mini BOE

OEM Basic Stamp 2 in the DIL socket
OEM Basic Stamp 2 in the DIL socket

LCD aconnected to the mini BOE
LCD aconnected to the mini BOE

LCD display in action ...
LCD display in action ...




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