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Besides the appriciation by visitors of WeetHet, WeetHet is being mentioned else where with either an award or mentioned with honor,. Below you'll find some of these ...

September 2003: Veronica's Satellite magazine

1 August 2003: "Referal Contest" winner NewsGuy.com!

1 Juli 2003: "Referal Contest" winner NewsGuy.com!

1 April 2003: "Referal Contest" winner NewsGuy.com!

1 February 2003: "Referal Contest" winner NewsGuy.com!

1 November 2002: "Referal Contest" winner NewsGuy.com!

1 October 2002: "Referal Contest" winner NewsGuy.com!

Winnaar "Referal Contest" van NewsGuy

September 26th, 2002: Lotje's Golden Award 2002 !

Lotje's golden award!

August first, 2002: "Referal Contest" winner August 2002 at NewsGuy.com! The price, $250, will once more be spent on software registration, domainregistration and hostingcosts. I have to thank all the visitors that subscribed at NewsGuy and mentioned "WeetHet".

Juli 12th, 2002: "Approved suitable for all ages" by Websitekeuring.nl.

Approved suitable for all ages by Websitekeuring.nl

Juli first, 2002: "Referal Contest" winner Juni 2002 at NewsGuy.com! The price, $250, will be spent on domainregistration and hostingcosts. I have to thank all the visitors that subscribed at NewsGuy and mentioned "WeetHet".

Winner "Referal Contest" NewsGuy

June 4th, 2002 I received "Golden Anouks Web Award" from "Anouksweb", a nice Dutch website with a lot of tools and tips for webdesigners:


May 29, 2002, WeetHet recieved the "Golden Web Award" from the IAWMD (International Association of Webmasters And Desingers) - "In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web" - it's a bit to much credit for my website, but hey ... it's nive to get some appreciation ;)

In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web

Internet Idee: The Dutch magazine "Internet Idee" did put WeetHet in an issues early 2002. in the Top 10 PC-Garages ...

InternetIdee did put WeetHet in it's Top10!




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