you find an overview of available DNS numbers of (A)DSL suppliers.
If you know any other DNS numbers, then I and others will
appreciate it if you could mail
them to me.
Tip: When your provider has a really
slow DNS update, then consider using the DNS (one of them)
of another ISP. For example
from XS4All (who update their DNS very quickly, other providers
should follow their example on this!).
As an alternative to these DNS servers you can also use the ones from Opens Root Server Network, an Europeese Open Source organisation offering free DNS server access which are very fast as well. (Thanks to Dirk de Boer for the tip!)
By the way, using the free service of allows you to set a domain name to link to your Internet connection - even if it uses a dynamic IP address.
Update: Due to the growing list of DNS numbers we added the option for a provider to submit up to 6 DNS numbers. We also have split the pages per country. The dropdownbox below will allow you to select your prefered country.
Tip: Some providers
require a different VCI setting for the Alcatel
hack. According to Ludo, Bart, Herman,
Stef, Dries and Peter; the phonebook settings for the Belgian providers SkyNet, EasyNet, XS4All, Tiscali and Planet
Internet need to be set yo these values: