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For accessing particular TiVo parts, you must open the TiVo.

This is not a hard job at all, but some people have a hard time doing it anyway.

On this page you read how to open the TiVo and what parts you can find inside.

Note: opening your TiVo will void waranty!

Don't forget to read the Disclaimer!

TiVo - Personal Video Recorder

Opening your TiVo

Before you start, a reminder. You should realize that you are about to void warranty!

Opening the TiVo will void warranty!

Also be very carefull: the powersupply inside the TiVo is NOT shielded. Since this is a switching powersupply, high voltages might hurt you, so keep away from the powersupply. Even better:: ALWAYS REMOVE THE POWERCORD, so the TiVo is not powered in any way!
Read the general disclaimer as well!

So let's get started.

At the back of the TiVo you will find 3 screws. You will need a Torex-10 to remove these screws. For those of you living in Europe: check Conrad - they have a large collection of cheap bit's including the Torex-10.

The 3 screws you will need to remove in order to access r=the TiVo's inside

Once you removed the 3 screws, you need to shift the top part (black) of the Tivo to the back.

Note: It is possible that it will not do this by itself and you might need to apply a bit more force to it.

Clips of the TiVo hood

The clips indicated in the image above (Note: the TiVo is placed upside down for this picture) might hold back the "hood" a bit.

There are reports that some or all of these clips might be slightly bend. You might need to use a screwdriver to bend them a bit back. I cannot confirm this first hand, since my TiVo did not appear to have this problem ...




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