On this page ...
You might be
familiar with this situation: You have 2 PC's and just want
to quickly copy one file from PC1 to PC2.
Unfortunately, you do not have access to a network, or a
UTP crossed cable, or the network you have is simply too slow.
As of Windows ME, Windows supports FireWire
(more or less), also known as IEEE 1394 or
iLink (Sony).
FireWire is a pretty fast connection and can be used for this
Note: Such a connection between
two Windows XP PC's is really FAST!
Note: Read the disclaimer.
Tip: Once you're done using the
sharing, it's a good idea to disable the sharing of the folders. |
What do we need?
We're about to connect two PC's, for transferring
files from one PC to another, using a high speed connection.
We will use FireWire/IEE1394
for this.
First requirement:
Both PC's do need to have a FireWire connection.
The most commonly available connectors:
FireWire connectors ... |
Mini FireWire
This very small connector is commonly found on laptops, portable
devices and DV camcorders. |
A |
Male mini FireWire |
B |
Female mini FireWire |
Normal FireWire connectors
This somewhat larger (and easier to use) connector can be
found on desktop PC's and less portable devices like scanners
etc. |
C |
Male normal FireWire |
D |
Female normal FireWire |
Having some fancy connectors won't do the job
... we do need to connect them somehow.
Second requirement:
a FireWire/IEE1394/iLink cable.
An advantage of FireWire is that we do need any
special cables. A normal straight FireWire cable will do the trick.
The connectors at the ends of the cable needs
to be either of the type A
and/or C
(as shown in picture above).
Which connectors you need, depends on the connectors of each of
the PC's (see B
and D).
Third requirement:
an operating system that supports this feature.
Or in other words: a Windows version that supports
networking over a FireWire connection.
As far a I know, only Windows ME, Windows 2000
and Windows XP do support this.
The Macintosh might support this as well, but, well,... I haven't
seen any Mac donation lately so I don't have a Mac to test this.
Best results are achieved using Windows
Tip: For operating
systems that do not support this, visit UniBrain,
they have specific software (FireNet) for this purpose.
Tip: Windows ME is known
to be a bit flaky with FireWire, usually connection tend to be extremely
Windows 2000 does a better job but seems to have issues too.
That's all we need ...
Getting Connected
Connecting is easy: Just plug in the Firewire
cable into both PC's.
This is best done when the PC is already running.
You'll notice that windows will inform you about
a new found connection. This is supposed to work OK ... well we
know Microsoft by now ...
Sharing files
Sharing files can be a bit more complicated for
those of you who never worked with Windows networking before.
At least one folder has to be shares - meaning
that the folder is accessible from another computer. Click a folder
with the right mouse button and choose "Properties"
from the menu. A window appears with some tabs. Click "Sharing".
If you haven't shared a folder before
If no-one has ever shared a folder on your PC
before, the following window might appear:

Sharing - Sharing a folder for
the first time (WindowsXP)
Click the blue text that says "If
you understand the security risks but want to share files without
running the wizard, click here.".
A new window will appear. Choose
the second option "Just enable file sharing"
and click the "OK" button.
This window below will appear.
You have shared folders before:

Sharing - Settings to share
a folder
Check the option "Share this folder
on the network".
If you want to be able to write to this folder
from another PC, then check "Allow network users to
change my files" as well.
Now click the "OK"
button .
Repeat this (if needed) for other folders or drives
as well. Optionally you might want to share some folders on the
second PC as well.
Accessing files on the other PC
Microsoft has done a good job on creating this
and usually it works ...
First we do need to know the names of the individual
PC's .
Open a DOS box (or use "START"
-> "RUN" -> "CMD"
in Windows XP) and type the commando "net
name", as shown here:
Files\Common Files\System\MAPI\1033>net
name Name
The command completed successfully.
C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MAPI\1033>
The command will reply with some data, including
the name of the PC (indicated in yellow here).
Remember this name and repeat the same thing for
the second computer.
Now go to "My Network Places"
and double click "Entire Network". There
double click "Microsoft Windows Network"
and finally double click "Workgroup".
If all works well, any available PC will now appear.
However, for a PC to appear it will need to have at least one shared
Double click the PC-name and you'll notice the
shared folder(s) which you can now use for copying.
Solving Issues
Possible network problems and work around's:
1) Check the cable
- a bad connection might be the cause of your problems.
2) "1394 Connection"
has not been activated.
Go to "Start" - "Control
Panel" - "Network Connections".
At "LAN or Highspeed Internet" you'll
see and icon called "1394 connection".
Click it once with the left mouse button. The disabled network connection
will now be enabled (Showing a "Enabling"
3) Windows hasn't
completed it's configuration.
Sometimes Windows is a bit slow in identifying
and configuring something you add. Two things to check, to see if
Windows has done it all right:
- In the Systray (Where you'll find the Windows
clock) there should be an icon indicating that the network is up
and running.
Hoover over the icon (see below) to see if there
is one that shows "1394 Connection":

Firewire network is enabled
Note: Sometimes there
is no such icon. Go to "Start" - "Control
Panel" - "Network Connections".
In the "LAN or Highspeed Internet" area
you'll see an icon called "1394 connection".
Click it with the right mouse button and choose "Properties".
In the upcoming Window, check "Show icon in notification
area when connected".
- Second step to take: check if Windows did configure
the network settings.
Open a DOS window and type "ipconfig
/all Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . .
. . . . : computernaam
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
Other adapter 1394 Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix
. :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 1394 Net Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : E2-07-45-F4-B2-66
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration IP Address. . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
C:\> |
You see a list of network settings for all available
network cards (that have been enabled). We indicated the FireWire
past in red. If this info does NOT appear, then try this: unplug
the FireWire connector. Wait a few seconds and plug it in again.
Again wait a few seconds and try the IPCONFIG command again.
4) I can't see the
other computer.
Sometimes Windows is very slow in detecting the
other computer(s). Possible caused by:
- You haven't shared a folder on the second computer.
Solution: share a folder on that computer.
- Windows isn't really awake yet.
Windows hasn't really opened it's eyes to look
for other computers. We can speed this a bit up by using the PING
command .
Go to the second PC and do the IPCONFIG trick.
Write down the value at the field called "Autoconfiguration
IP Address" (in the example this is "").
Write it down and go back to PC number one. Open a DOS window and
type "PING" - be sure
to replace "" by the info you got from
the other PC.
C:\>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from
bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
C:\> |
The result might look as shown above. In this
example it all works fine. For some reason the PING awakens the
PC and guess what ... you most likely see the missing PC in "My
Network Places".
Note: A "Request
Time out" indicates that the other PC cannot be reached ...
check the cables!
5) I can't access
any files/folders or I cannot write a file to the other PC
Sometimes Windows can be a pain concerning the
rights of users. Make sure the users of PC1 are know on PC2. At
least for the username's you're using for copying files! This means
that on both PC's the user "John Doe" needs to exist with
password "Something" (just an example).
Microsoft has found some
of it's own problems as well: