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Advertising is also possible at WeetHet.

Maintenance and hosting of this website consumes a lot of time and money. That's why sponsoring and/or advertising is needed.

However, WeetHet does not intend to take away the surfing fun of their visitors by adding bright colored blinking banners or annoying popup windows.

This is not only bad business for our website, but also bad business for the advertiser. Nobody is waiting for yet another source of unwanted and annoying spam.

Since pure profit is not the intention of WeetHet, several ways of payment can be discussed, please contact the webmaster for details and discussion.

Currently, our main sponsors are: LinkUp and Google.

Update: Option 1 is NO LONGER AVAILABLE!


We created two main concepts of advertising/sponsoring. Keep in mind that sponsoring can be deducted from your tax (in most countries).

Both are explained below.

Variant 1 - The TOP BANNER

This option is no longer available for several reasons:

  1. Some advertisers expect maximum service for almost no money.
    This usually would end up in an endless discussion about "unique visits" (if you know a little about the background of the Internet, then you would KNOW this is nearly impossible to track) and "click throughs" (did they ask that same question with magazines and newspapers?).

  2. Our current main advertiser pays handsomely and does not tolerate competition with their ads.
    By the way; I recommended them highly if you have your own website, use this link, or click the button below the navigation menu to sign up.

  3. Our previous main sponsor/advertiser (NewsGuy) stopped their program.

  4. Some advertisers have issues departing from their money - even if you rendered services.

In short; this option is a waste of time for us.

Variant 2 - Product Sponsoring

Another way of good advertising is product sponsoring.

A product can be software, hardware or for example literature.

In this case, the supplier sends us his product or products. One or more pages on WeetHet will then be devoted to that product. Nor in particular a review, more a guide on how to use the product and to get familiar with it.

One note though: the fact that a supplier sends us a free products does not guarantee a 100% perfect score on the product: we do need to remain honest to our visitors. Besides that: is there really a 100% perfect product? However; before placing the article(s) online, we discuss the content with the supplier so he/she get's a fair chance to reply to any problems and/or offer updates etc. An article will not be placed without the agreement of the supplier.

Main target of these articles is to make it familiar with end users, both beginners and advanced users.

Additional publicity can be created by either offering WeetHet visitors a price reduction or to create some kind of lottery amongst WeetHet users where they can win the product.

Since product sponsoring cannot be defined in a single line, please feel free to contact the webmaster and ask for possibilities.



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